White Women, Do Better


Hello, allow me to introduce myself by the titles this liberal white woman holds so dear: feminist, activist, mother, boss, sister, daughter, Jew, and wife (intentionally written in that order). A year ago, we were unabashed in our disgust, our confusion, our righteousness about how the most qualified candidate to ever run for office could have lost to an admitted sex offender. Well, a year later, I don't think we are confused anymore. We know exactly how this happened: misogyny. They hate us that much.Given the year we've had, it angers me greatly as I prepare for the Women's March tomorrow that so few of you seem able to clear your calendar for it. What has changed in the last year? Um, everything? A year ago we had a lot of what-ifs to be frightened of and too many of them have become a reality. But here's the thing: not a reality for us. Not for the educated, white women with health care, job security, a room of our own. And in this sense of false safety, we've stopped showing up. Our posts on Facebook and Instagram hash-tagging #metoo and #timesup are now enough for us. We've done our part. Why would we push any more? We are tired. We are triggered. We are sad.I hate to remind you, but we did this. White women elected this man. So many of us did the wrong thing last November, or better yet nothing at all, that here we are. And in our continued complacency, you know what has happened in the last year. But just in case, here are some reminders:

  • On the day of his inauguration, President Trump signed an executive order instructing agencies to minimize the cost of the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare
  • From day one, his administration has constantly and consistently undermined international cooperation on climate change
  • The Justice Department attempted to prosecute a woman for laughing at Jeff Sessions
  •  The Global Gag Rule, barring US foreign aid from going to any organization that provides or even discusses abortion with its patients, was reinstated.
  • DACA, or the DREAMers act, which allows undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children to stay here, was terminated in September and continues to be wielded as a weapon in Congress.
  • One mere week after taking office, Trump attempted to ban Muslims from entering the U.S.
I'd go on but you get the gist.White women, we are the problem. We are complacent, entitled, and more concerned with being right than being on the right side of justice. Saturday (tomorrow!), we have the opportunity to show up again, to demonstrate our significance in numbers. This fight for true equality, the fight that the brown and black women of America are showing up for, it’s not a sprint; it’s a marathon. This work is not convenient or comfortable, but it is essential.A year ago you had the time to gather at capitals around the world to show that you cared about women other than yourself. We wore pink hats, we made smart signs, we changed the world. You have the chance to do that again this Saturday. I will be looking for you. See you there.
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

On Being A Bearded Woman


Mixtape of Comfort